Friday, February 5, 2010


Last night Ben would not go to sleep...until we heard 3 huge explosions come out of his exterior area. Of course as soon as that happened he fell asleep! Well you can't let the little man fall asleep with a dirty diaper - so off to the changing table we went...and guess what we found...poo! That's right...all the way up his back and he somehow even got in on his arm! We learned how to get clothes off without getting it in his hair! It was quite funny. As soon as we got him cleaned up, it was time to put on clean jammies...he was smiling and wiggling as we were trying to get clothes put on him! I swear he thought it was a game.

Here are some more pics from the past few days.

We love to talk after a diaper change (we are trying to capture it on video - but he stops talking when it comes out!)

The smirk before the smile


  1. We had many a blowout poopy with Drew. It's in those moments you find yourself thinking, "It's a good thing they're so cute!"

  2. Melissa - just ask dad about some of your blowouts!
