Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ben's 4 Month Appointment

Ben had his 4 Month Dr. appointment on April 26th. He did really well. He was babbling away when the Dr. came in. While the Dr. was trying to listen to his breathing, he showed the Dr how GREAT he is at grabbing every little thing, and took a good hold of his stethoscope and pulled it towards his mouth. He did really good during his shots. He started crying before the nurses came in because he was hungry, so when he got his actual shots I couldn't tell if he was was crying because he was hungry or from the shot itself. As soon as he got his bottle he was much better. Something tells me, watching him get shots is not going to get any easier!

Ben's 4 month old stats:
Height 25.25 Inches 64%
Weight 14 lbs 31%

Hanging out waiting for the Dr. (He was so close to rolling over. I almost wonder if he would of been on the floor if he would of!)
Showing off his owies!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a long little guy. What a cutie, i hope we get to see you guys soon!
